it’s snack time in Philadelphia

photo credit: Bob Sweeney

The dynamic, high-spirited group of Philadelphia-based musician group, SNACKTIME, formed only four years ago, amid the chaos of the pandemic. The band originated in the neighborhood of Rittenhouse Square, blending elements of funk, rock, R&B, pop, and soul to create a sound that’s all their own.

I had the opportunity to exchange emails with the seven-piece band, and the questions were answered by sousaphonist Sam Gellerstein, trombonist and keyboardist Michael Spearman, and trumpeter and guitarist Eric Sherman.

Not knowing much about the band besides the fact that they formed in Philadelphia around the turn of the pandemic, I was dying to know how they originated.

MUSIC VAULT MAGAZINE (MVM): How did you all meet each other and get your start?

SNACKTIME (ST), Sam Gellerstein: The band is an amalgamation of friends and connections throughout the Philadelphia music scene by way of South Florida, Camden, New Jersey, Ossining, New York, and of course, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Ben and I grew up together and became best friends in high school and my first gig in Philadelphia was with Yesseh and Austin. We’ve all played together in one band or another over the years.

SNACKTIME started during the pandemic when playing music outside was the only option. In early 2020, a great chef named Jen Zavala and I started an event called Snacktime, which planned to feature lesser-known musicians, and chefs in venues throughout Philly. The first one went great, and the second one was canceled due to Covid.

Months later, Jen approached me to play for the customers who were waiting in line to get her Tamales, so what better than a brass band? After this, we went on to play multiple times a week outdoors in parks and at birthday parties, which then years later got us to major festivals and national tours. A dream come true. -Sam Gellerstein

MVM: You’ve been playing music throughout the Greater Philadelphia region and beyond since you formed in August 2020 during the pandemic. How has your sound changed compared to when you first started to now?

ST, Michael Sherman: Our sound has changed in many ways. One of our biggest changes is instrumentation. When we first started the band only consisted of alto sax, tenor sax, trombone, drums, and sousaphone (tuba). Now our alto sax player, Yesseh Furaha-ali, is our MC and even sings. We’ve added a lead guitar player, Larry Monroe, and a trumpet/guitar player, Eric Sherman. I now play keys in addition to trombone in the band. Not only have the instruments changed but what’s being played has vastly expanded and improved. 

In the beginning, we only played covers of other famous artists but since then we have been working furiously at writing and recording original music. As a result, our shows always consist of our original music that was born from a combination of our style, beliefs, and tastes. We’ve released one project and three singles, and the quality of the songwriting and production improves with every project. One thing that hasn’t changed is our eagerness to get the crowd involved and make sure that everyone is having a good time. There’s no need to be too perfect, we just want to make sure that our audience has a night that they’ll remember and appreciate. -Michael Spearman

MVM: Your live show is dramatic, dynamic, intense, and high-spirited. How can you maintain that energy level with each show without losing steam?

ST, Eric Sherman: It’s a privilege and a joy to play music. When it’s time to hit the stage, it’s our job to give people something to see, hear, and feel. We all care deeply about what we do and we work hard to make that translate on stage. When we give that energy to the crowd and they give it back, then it’s off to the races for us. We really feed off of that energy.

This energy is also something we’ve had a lot of practice at thus far. We trust that the music that we’re playing carries that spark and if we play it like it should be played, it’s going to take the audience through a range of emotions. -Eric Sherman

MVM: The band is scheduled to go on tour with Portugal. The Man again. What are you most looking forward to your time on the road with those guys?

ST, Sam Gellerstein: As much fun as it was to play every day in these amazing rooms full of super supportive fans, it was equally as fun just to hang out with the Portugal. The Man squad. From the top down, the entire organization is so friendly, supportive, loving and made us feel like a part of the family right away. 

Toward the end of the tour, they even had us up to share the stage for their finale, which was our arrangement of Rage Against The Machines “Killing in the Name”. -Sam Gellerstein

MVM: You have a debut, full-length record being released soon. What can your fans expect from your new material compared to what you’ve already released besides it being a full LP?

ST, Eric Sherman: This is a question we’re asking ourselves daily. We want the LP to be special when it comes out and our plans are developing as we talk amongst ourselves and continue to write more music. There’s definitely going to be some songs that people have heard live before and some bangers. There’s definitely going to be some stuff you can sing along to with your best friend who you went to high school with or maybe summer camp. Maybe you also just met them at our show but the fact that you both are screaming the lyrics as loud as you can is an invitation for you to be best friends forever. 

Right now we’re really leaning into being in the studio and crafting our sound as a band. People know us as a kickass live act but we’re equally as intent on making amazing records as we are on having an amazing live show. It’s a different way of working together and a different process,  but we’ve got the right team to do it and are excited for what we’ve been cooking up together.  We can’t wait for you to hear it! -Eric Sherman

MVM: What can you tell us about the new music? Is there a release date set yet?

ST, Michael Spearman: Our new music is an audio testament to our growth and our love for our fans. We recently released “TOGETHER,” “I DON’T GIVE A DAMN,” and “THE HIGH LIFE” which are all about loving yourself and not letting your troubles in life get in the way of you having a fulfilling experience on earth. In terms of new music, we have a song called “SPACELUV” that’s coming out June 11, 2024. This is a track that’s about falling in love with an alien because sometimes it’s good to not be so serious. We all need some time to laugh, dance, and have fun. Who knows, maybe after you hear it you’ll be able to let loose, have a laugh, and fall in love with an alien too. -Michael Spearman

MVM: What was the writing process like for you for this newest record compared to your previous single, “THE HIGH LIFE?”

SN, Sam Gellerstein: We wrote “THE HIGH LIFE” after a major music festival in a waterpark after a thunderstorm while sitting in a hot tub. This song may be the most even split of writing out of any of our songs.

“SPACELUV” started as a song Michael and I wrote in my room, which was initially going to be a more normal song about falling in love on the dance floor. Somehow we got to aliens, and I’m glad we did! -Sam Gellerstein

SNACKTIME performs as a part of Lancaster, Pennsylvania’s Long’s Park Summer Concert Series on Sunday, June 16 at the Ampitheather at 7:30 p.m. The show is free to the public and features some food trucks for refreshments.

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